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Spousal Support in Michigan
Alimony in Michigan
Top 5 Important Things to Know about Alimony in Michigan
- Alimony, also known as Spousal Support, can be awarded in Michigan Divorce cases.
- Alimony can be awarded to either women or men in Michigan.
- In Michigan, you do not have to be married 10 years before you can be awarded Alimony.
- There is no specific formula used to calculate alimony in Michigan.
- The amount and term of the alimony award is usually modifiable. However, if parties agree, alimony can be for a specific amount for a specific amount of time.
Keep reading for more information about Alimony in Michigan.
Is there alimony in Michigan?
Some people believe that there is no spousal support or alimony in Michigan. That is not true.
- Spousal support, formerly called alimony in Michigan, is certainly still awarded in Michigan divorce and Michigan separate maintenance cases.
- For a fee you can purchase Michigan Spousal Support / Michigan Alimony calculators at SPRINGFIELD PROGNOSTICATOR or at MARGINSOFT PROGNOSTICATOR.
- The Marginsoft Prognosticator offers a free download for thirty days.
- These Michigan spousal support / Michigan alimony calculators can only be used as a GUIDELINE in ESTIMATING spousal support or alimony in Michigan, and they are NOT binding in Court.
Can alimony or spousal support be awarded to a man in Michigan?
Some people believe that spousal support can only be awarded to women in Michigan. That is also untrue.
If the factors are met, spousal support can be awarded to either party in a Michigan divorce or a Michigan separate maintenance case.
Do you have to be married 10 years to get alimony or spousal support in Michigan?
Some people believe that you have to be married at least ten years to receive spousal support or alimony in Michigan. This is also untrue.
- There is no specific number of years that one must be married to receive spousal support in Michigan.
- However, in Michigan, spousal support is rarely awarded in a short term marriage.
How is Michigan alimony or spousal support determined in Michigan?
Michigan alimony or spousal support laws provide several factors considered by Michigan judges when determining whether alimony or spousal support should be awarded in a Michigan divorce or Michigan separate maintenance case.
The past relations and conduct of the parties
The length of the marriage
the ability of the parties to work
The source and amount of the property awarded to the parties
The age of the parties
The ability of the parties to pay alimony
The present situation of the parties
The needs of the parties
The health of the parties
The prior standard of living of the parties and whether either is responsible for the support of others
General principles of equity
In Michigan there is no specific mathematical Michigan alimony formula for determining whether or not spousal support should be awarded.
- Additionally, there is no specific mathematical Michigan Spousal Support formula for calculating the amount of spousal support or alimony that should be awarded in Michigan
- Finally, there is no specific mathematical Michigan alimony formula for determining the length of time that spousal support should be awarded.
In Michigan, each case for spousal support or alimony depends upon the unique factors of the case and the judge assigned to the case.
How much alimony can I get in Michigan?
There is no specific Michigan Alimony formula. However, a few programs exist that can provide you with a guideline for estimating a potential Michigan spousal support calculation.
- These Michigan spousal support / Michigan alimony prognosticators are as accurate as the information you input into them with respect to Child Support in Michigan.
- However the Michigan spousal support / alimony prognosticators / prognostications, can only be used as a guideline in estimating Michigan spousal support / alimony, and are not binding in Court.
For a fee you can purchase Michigan Spousal Support / Michigan Alimony calculators at:
- Springfield Prognosticator
- Marginsoft Prognosticator. The Marginsoft Prognosticator offers a free download for thirty days.
These Michigan spousal support / Michigan alimony calculators can only be used as a GUIDELINE in ESTIMATING spousal support or alimony in Michigan, and they are NOT binding in Court.
What is modifiable spousal support in Michigan?
In Michigan, if you go trial, and spousal support is awarded, it can ALWAYS be modified. This is a modifiable spousal support or alimony award in Michigan.
What this means is that, if a party has a change in circumstances, the spousal support award can change. It also means that spousal support could continue indefinitely.
What is non-modifiable spousal support in Michigan?
Many people, when they agree to a settlement, agree to award a NON-MODIFIABLE Michigan spousal support / Michigan alimony award.
- A non-modifiable spousal support award provides for a specific monthly dollar amount for a specific periold of time.
- Many people agree to this type of Michigan spousal support / Michigan alimony so that they know what to expect in the future.
- However, if there is a change in circumstances of either party (loss of a job, need for more support, etc.) Michigan spousal support / Michigan alimony laws provide there can be NO CHANGE to the NON-MODIFIABLE spousal support award.